Yesterday dance was quite funny cause i could not balance properly and kept wobbling about. Even when i was kneeling i could fall. When i suppose to 'fan' i hit my friend's head. TWICE. Haha, whats happening to me man...
Went over to vanessa's hse first. She paid for my cab fee. I love you nehneh <3
Haha, and she has a freaking dog which is freaking scary...And ignatius had to go open the door and let the dog come in. GOSH $#@*^&! yong zhen and i scream like mad dogs while the dog jumped and ran beneath us and valerie was desperately trying to catch it.
It was fun on the whole (:
Have cheer later at 2.30 till 8. My last cheer prac till i go for camp and malaysia ): This is like the first time i dont want to leave singapore. But I'll have fun..i think.
Louisa's coming to help for cheer like finally. She couldnt make it for the previous one at the last minute. Yay! Hopefully we can get some sets done during indiv. Haha.
Couldnt sleep till about 1 even though i went to back like really tired at 11. Then i woke up at 4 and couldnt get back to sleep. I think I'm going to just die later.
If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down but the staying down.
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